Analysis of linguistic attitudes of speakers from Bananeiras regarding their own speech




linguistic variation, linguistic attitudes, own speak, northeast.


This paper aims to analyse the linguistic attitudes of speakers from Bananeiras (Northeastern Brazil) regarding their own speech, based on the theoretical and methodological decisions made by Morais e Lima (2019) about the linguistic attitudes of speakers from Patos (Northeastern Brazil). This study is also based on the assumptions of the Variationist Theory (LABOV, 2008 [1972]), the theoretical contributions by Bagno (2007), Bortoni-Ricardo (2011 [1985]), among others, as well as on the studies on linguistic attitudes (LAMBERT; LAMBERT, 1972), Corbari (2013), Cardoso (2015), and others. To achieve this aim, a qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted, considering descriptive and interpretative methods. As a result, evidence showed that speakers from Bananeiras present more optimistic attitudes regarding their own speech, contrasting with the results of speakers from Patos. These attitudes, however, often seem to be controlled by notions of what is right and wrong.


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