Autoethnography and teacher education
Autoethnography anstories and identifications
Autoetnografia, Formação de professores, IdentificaçõesAbstract
This article aims to contribute to studies on language teacher education in the field of Applied Linguistics. It enables discussions that put forward autoethnography as an epistemological possibility that considers recent social changes and promotes other necessary changes. In this sense, we relate concepts regarding autoethnography and teacher education, arguing that autoethnography may contribute to the assumption of teachers as critical subjects and producers of knowledge. Through an autoethnographic perspective, we recall our encounter with autoethnography to demonstrate how it has helped us assume new identifications as agents who produce knowledge. The discussions presented in this article result from doctoral research carried out by two teachers: a Portuguese language teacher and an English language teacher, who developed their study having autoethnography as a theoretical and methodological framework. This study highlights autoethnography’s potential as a feasible alternative to serve as a basis for investigations on teacher education in Applied Linguistics.
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