The semivocalization of the palatal lateral consonant in alagoan speech




Variationist sociolinguistics, Semivocalization of /ʎ/, Linguistic variation


This article, which is an excerpt from the Master’s dissertation, aims to investigate the variation in the palatal lateral /ʎ/, whose variants are the palatal lateral [ʎ], depalatalization [l], and semivocalization [j], in Alagoas speech, seeking to identify and analyze the linguistic and social factors that influence the semivocalization process. In Alagoas, three variants were observed: [ʎ], [j], and [l], however, in this excerpt, we will emphasize the semivocalized variant [j]. A corpus of 2,151 occurrences was constituted, collected through interviews with 144 informants in 6 cities in Alagoas. All data underwent acoustic analysis - Praat version 6.0.20 (64-bit). The data were statistically analyzed using multilevel regression methods - Ri386 3.3.1 software. The social variables investigated were sex/gender, city, age, and education. We analyzed the more aggregated level variables - the individual and the lexical item. The linguistic variables investigated were the preceding context, following context, word length, stress, as well as the frequency of the lexical item. The data revealed that the process is not conditioned by linguistic variables. We concluded that education has a great influence on semivocalization. The data indicate a favoring of the male sex/gender. We concluded that semivocalization is a process of linguistic change in progress.


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Author Biographies

Selma Cruz Santos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal)

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística e Literatura da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal). Mestra em Linguística pela Ufal; especialista em Formação para a Docência do Ensino Superior e graduada em Letras - Português/Espanhol pelo Centro Universitário Cesmac. Professora de Língua Portuguesa da rede municipal de Maceió/AL.

Alan Jardel de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal)

Doutor em Linguística Teórica e Descritiva, mestre em Estudos Linguísticos e graduado em Letras – Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Ufal). Coordena o Projeto “Variação Linguística no Português Alagoano – PORTAL”


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