The expression of causality in the Portuguese connector por isso
functions of conclusion, consequence and elaboration
Por isso connector, Conclusion, Consequence, Elaboration, Usage-Based LinguisticsAbstract
In this paper, we aim to describe the different uses of the connector por isso in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese based on the linguistic domains of connection, according to the perspective of Sweetser (1990): content, epistemic and speech acts. Subsidiarily, we seek to propose a refinement for the identification and classification of the function of this connector in these domains based on the analysis of more two factors: a) temporal succession (or not) between the discursive segments (respectively D1 and D2) articulated by the connector; b) presence of factual or non-factual content in D2. To this end, we investigated, using quali-quantitative methodology (Lacerda, 2016), 150 tokens of contemporary Brazilian Portuguese extracted from the Corpus Portuguese Web 2020. The data were analyzed according to the assumptions of Usage-Based Linguistics (cf. Rosário, 2022). Our results indicate that: a) conclusion belongs to the epistemic domain, does not present temporal succession between D1 and D2 nor factual content in D2; b) the consequence belongs to the content domain, presents temporal succession and factual content in D1 and D2; c) the elaboration belongs to the content or speech acts domain, does not present temporal succession between D1 and D2 and has factual content in D2.
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