Purpose-connecting microconstructions
[in an attempt to] and [in a search of]
Connecting microconstructions, Purpose, Circumstantial hypotaxisAbstract
Based on the theoretical and methodological contribution of Use-Centered Functional Linguistics (Furtado da Cunha; Bispo, 2013; Traugott; Trousdale, 2021), this article aims to describe and analyze comparatively the purpose connecting microconstructions [in an attempt to] and [in the search for] instantiated by the subscheme [prep [det] N of]conect linked to the network [X of]conect. To treat the data, we used a mixed methodology (Lacerda, 2016), from 250 synchronic data from the Portuguese Corpus, in the NOW tab. Although the clauses of purpose prefaced by the microconstructions in analysis convey the notion of purpose, a significant difference was observed with regard to (i) the position of these clauses in relation to the nuclear clause and (ii) the degree of predictability of the event expressed by the purpose clause. More specifically, constructions introduced in the discourse by connective microconstruction [in an attempt to]conect are more frequent in the preposition and reveal a tinge of uncertainty, whereas postposition is more frequent in constructions with connective microconstruction [in the search for]conect and reflect greater predictability of the event.
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