Field Education from the perspective of Intercultural Science Education: What do research in the field of Science Education say?
In this article we seek to investigate how the literature in the area of Education in Sciences has been addressing the theme of Intercultural Science Education in Rural Education, specifically in relation to peasant communities. For this, we carried out a qualitative, bibliographical research, with a 24-year time frame in periodicals and annals in the area of Science Education. The results indicate that, for the peasant populations, there are still few works involving Intercultural Science Education. However, the works found point out that the traditional knowledge of the peasant communities can be objects of school science and that Intercultural Science Education in the context of Rural Education provides contextualized teaching, with themes from the students' reality and enables learning through meaning concepts and dialogue between local knowledge and school knowledge.
Keywords: Rural Education; Science Education; Intercultural Science Education
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