New ways of reading:
digital children's literature book
Literacy, Multiliteracies., Literary reading, Digital children's literature bookAbstract
This article aims to analyze the practices of multiliteracies mobilized by the digital children's literary book, in a way that contributes to the formation of the reader in childhood. For this, the digital work adapted from the poem Via Láctea, by Olavo Bilac, is analyzed. This new interactive format, produced by author Samira Almeida and author Fernando Tangi, is characterized by involving different types of previously obtained knowledge, such as the elements that make up the operating and management systems of mobile interaction devices. In this work, interactivity requires the performance of the reader to then connect different objects and move in the content in a non-linear way. And the presence of multiple combinations in digital books and the potential of digital technologies triggers different modes of reading that contribute to the expansion of the production of meaning.
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