Scientific initiation as a pedagogical practice for teaching history


  • Pedro Pereira do Nascimento Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro Brasileira
  • cleilson de Jesus Ribeiro



History teaching; Scientific initiation; Historian teacher


This work is based on the experiences of scientific initiation projects developed at the Raimunda Carneiro Municipal School in the community of Uruaú in Beberibe-CE with students in the eighth and ninth grades of elementary school, in 2022 and 2023, in which projects such as "As capoeiras nas rodas e cantos: uma análise de como são apresentadas as mulheres nas músicas de capoeira" and "Tradição ou mercado: uma análise da disputa pelo espaço da lagoa do Uruaú, Beberibe-CE" were worked on. Concepts that are present in the social and historiographical sphere, such as gender and tradition, class struggle, bourgeoisie and proletariat, were applied to the school environment. In this way, scientific initiation was used as a pedagogical practice for teaching history, thereby problematizing the position of the school, not just as a recipient of content, but also as a producer of this scientific knowledge.


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