Algebra for teacher training exploring the concepts of equation and function


  • Marinete Santana Wutke Welmer CEUNES/UFES



Algebra; Teacher Training; Equations and Functions; Teaching and Learning; Pedagogical Practices


The work "Algebra for Teacher Training," by Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro and Helena Noronha Cury, stands out for its comprehensive approach to the importance of Algebra in Basic Education, focusing on the concepts of equation and function. The authors explore the historical evolution of these concepts, analyze documents and research on Algebra teaching, and identify the challenges faced by students and teachers. Emphasizing the need to break with traditional methods, the researchers propose changes in teacher training, highlighting classroom practices and practical skills beyond mathematical knowledge. The concluding remarks underscore a gap between extensive research in Algebra and its practical impact on education, prompting a critical reflection on teacher training approaches. The work not only serves as a reference for researchers but also provides essential insights for professionals involved in teacher training.


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RIBEIRO, A. J.; CURY, H. N. Álgebra para a formação do professor. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2015.

