"I learned on youtube!"
investigation about studying mathematics with video lessons
"I learned on youtube!": investigation about studying mathematics with video lessonsAbstract
This study investigated how mathematics video lessons available on YouTube can influence the study of mathematical content. Using a quantitative-qualitative approach inspired by netnography, the study analyzed elements of production and consumption of video lessons, based on online observations and extraction of textual and numerical data from the internet. The analysis was guided by theoretical frameworks exploring networked society, convergence culture, the educational use of YouTube, and the principles of Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. The results highlighted a significant time lag between the rise of YouTube and the beginning of research on video lessons in the field of Mathematics Education in Brazil. Additionally, they underscored a preference for expository video lessons and elementary mathematics content, as well as the effectiveness of video lessons in adhering to multimedia learning principles. It is concluded that mathematics video lessons can effectively contribute to the study of these contents, provided they are structured according to multimedia teaching principles.
THEES, A. “Aprendi no YouTube!”: investigação sobre estudar matemática com videoaulas. Tese (Doutorado em Educação). Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 2019. 260 p. Disponível em: http://www.unirio.br/ppgedu/TesePPGEduAndraTheesMesser.pdf. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.
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