Digital videos in mathematics education Paulo Freire and the fifth phase of digital technologies


  • Marinete Santana Wutke Welmer CEUNES/UFES



Videos; Mathematics Education; Digital Technologies.


In this review, we analyze the book Vídeos na Educação Matemática Paulo Freire and the Fifth Phase of Digital Technologies, published in the year 2022. The authors investigate the importance of digital videos in Mathematics Education, according to the ideas of Paulo Freire, while also discussing the emergence of the fifth phase of digital technologies in response to the demands caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The book addresses comprehensive issues, including social inequality, the spread of fake news, the public health crisis, and the need for teacher training to incorporate digital technologies into their pedagogical practices. Furthermore, it explores promising trends in Mathematics Education and presents relevant theoretical and methodological perspectives for research involving digital videos. In the broader context, the work establishes important connections between the different phases of digital technology development in Mathematics Education.


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BORBA, M. de C.; SOUTO, D. L. P.; CANEDO JUNIOR, N. da R. Vídeos na Educação Matemática: Paulo Freire e a quinta fase das tecnologias digitais. 1. ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2022.

