The use of the concepts of city and space in Ancient History: John Chrysostom and the Christianization of Constantinople as a case study


  • João Carlos Furlani



Late Antiquity, Constantinople, Space, City, John Chrysostom


Space, for a long time, has been relegated to the background in historical studies. However, reflections on the territories, cities and cultural symbols that have made up their landscapes are increasingly taking place in the research agendas of specialists who are dedicated to the study of Antiquity. In Late Roman Empire, many transformations produced in the city space were related to manifestations of religious character, such as the expansion of Christian creeds and the interference that the latter began to exert on the architectural landscapes. With these considerations in mind, we propose to reflect, firstly, on the use and problematization of the concepts of space and city in historical research. In a second moment, and as a case study, we will reflect on the work of John Chrysostom in Constantinople. Chrysostom, when consecrated as bishop of the city, in 397, intended to interfere in the life of his congregation through the application of reforms that, included moral and pedagogical reflections on the relations of Christians with the daily life and with the city space, thus acting in order to delimitate the places that were suitable and unfit for Christians.


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How to Cite

FURLANI, João Carlos. The use of the concepts of city and space in Ancient History: John Chrysostom and the Christianization of Constantinople as a case study. Romanitas - Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos, [S. l.], n. 12, p. 86–107, 2018. DOI: 10.17648/rom.v0i12.23527. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.



Dossier: The writing of Ancient History: concepts, methods and debates