The possibility of using the WMS system to improve storage management: the case of a construction company in the area of Mata Mineira


  • Jessica Taveira da Rocha Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS
  • Luiz Alberto Teixeira Oliveira Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.
  • Mário César Fialho de Oliveira Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.
  • Sanderson Rocha de Abreu Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.
  • Patricia Werneck Silva de Oliveira Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.



Storage, inventory, WMS, process improvement, e-commerce


The need to expand activities and gain competitive advantage is a reality in the current market scenario. In this context, the organization's internal processes affect its performance in the market. Thus, the concern with storage management is of great relevance, as it has the power to guarantee that new demands are met. This article is an applied, qualitative, descriptive research, with the development of a case study, with the purpose of studying and identifying the problems that affect the storage and stock management system of the Distribution Center of the chain of stores. a building materials dealership. The objective is to analyze the warehouse management in order to diagnose existing problems, and indicate possible gains with the adoption of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) system. Through interviews with employees, sector supervisors, site visits and reports with analytical data. As a result, the identification of several problems involving the organization's Storage Management, concluding that it does not have a computerized system for such service and that its stock does not have product addressability, which causes difficulties in order picking, carrying out inventory, and ends up compromising its stock accuracy. As a way of proposing improvement for the current situation of storage and better stock planning, the classification of the ABC curve was carried out, and the advantages were demonstrated, the acquisition and implementation of a WMS system was suggested, which proved capable of mitigating the main problem that currently affects the organization.


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Author Biographies

Jessica Taveira da Rocha, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS

Graduated in Biomedicine from Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos (2014). Academic of the 9th Period of Production Engineering at the FIC/UNIS institution, working mainly on the following topics: industry 4.0, systems integration and 4th industrial revolution. (Text provided by the author)

Luiz Alberto Teixeira Oliveira, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.

It has secondary-secondary education at the Technical School of Management Training (2011). He is currently SUPERVISOR-PLANNING AND STOCK CONTROL at CASA MATTOS LTDA. He has experience in the field of Production Engineering. (Text automatically generated by the CVLattes application)

Mário César Fialho de Oliveira, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.

Master in Accounting Sciences (FUCAPE - 2018 to 2020), graduated in Accounting Sciences (EaD - Cruzeiro do Sul - 2019 to 2020), postgraduate in MBA Business Logistics (Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF - 2008) and graduated in Administration (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases - FIC - 2007). In the Academic area, he served as Coordinator of the Higher Course of Technology in Logistics (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases-FIC) between 2014 and 2018. Professor in the courses of Administration, Accounting, Production Engineering and Technology in Logistics. Current Materials Supervisor at Apolo Algodão. He worked as Materials/Supplies and Production Planning and Control Coordinator at Zollern Transmissão Mecânicas Ltda., in Cataguases. He has professional experience as an Accounting Auditor at KPMG. Solid knowledge in the areas of Logistics/Supplies, PCP, Accounting and Human Resources. (Text provided by the author)

Sanderson Rocha de Abreu, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.

Master in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. Graduated in Production Engineering from Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases-FIC and Technician in Electrotechnics from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF. He coordinated the High Voltage Testing Laboratory from 2005 to 2014 and managed Research and Development projects at Energisa from 1999 to 2014. He is currently Coordinator and Professor of the Production Engineering and Electrical Engineering course at FIC (Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases) Grupo UNIS , in Cataguases, in the subjects of Project Management, Quality Management, Internship, Interdisciplinary Course Project, Production and Operations Management, Product Planning and Design, Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits and Introduction to Engineering. (Text provided by the author)

Patricia Werneck Silva de Oliveira, Faculdades Integradas de Cataguases – FIC/UNIS.

Professor of Higher Education at the UNIS/Integrated Colleges of Cataguases - FIC. Subjects taught: Introduction to Scientific Thought, Human and Social Sciences, Ethics and Society, Scientific Methodology I and II. Member of the Editorial Board of the Academic Journal MYHTOS. Postgraduate in Public Policies and Social Management from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora - UFJF; Specialist in Sociology - UFJF; Bachelor and Full Licensed in the Social Sciences course - UFJF. People Manager at Senai - FIEMG. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Rocha, J. T. da, Oliveira, L. A. T., Oliveira, M. C. F. de, Abreu, S. R. de, & Oliveira, P. W. S. de. (2021). The possibility of using the WMS system to improve storage management: the case of a construction company in the area of Mata Mineira. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(5), 166–182.




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