Analysis of the LPG bottling process: focus on continuous improvement


  • Jorge Luiz Rosa Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – FATEC Guarulhos
  • Marco Aurélio Feriotti Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.
  • Alexandre Formigoni Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.
  • Mayara Pohlmann Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.
  • Rosinei Batista Ribeiro Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.



Lean Manufacturing, Process Mapping, Continuous Improvement, SIPOC


Currently, the industry has a constant need to efficiently use the resources it has. In this way, no proposal for improvement should be ignored, but rather studied, in order to the extract the maximum benefit, from the gain in efficiency itself regarding knowledge for future developments. Seeking to improve the existing processes at the Ultragaz company's plant, in São José dos Campos-SP, a study was developed with the aim of optimizing the processes developed at the same plant. From the mapping of processes, identify the processes that can be improved and from there, prepare, implement and monitor the proposed changes, thus identifying inefficiencies to be minimized. During 2017, two processes were identified to be improved: the Treatment of Effluents and the Displacement and Transport of Containers belonging to other brands. In both cases, inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement were identified.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Luiz Rosa, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – FATEC Guarulhos

Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, in the area of ​​Surface Treatment, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology at the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP-FEG. Master in Mechanical Engineering in the area of ​​Surface Treatment, Process Optimization and Experiment Planning, at Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP-FEG. Specialization in Quality Engineering at the University of São Paulo - EEL/USP. Graduated in Mechanical Production by the Higher Education Institute of Cruzeiro - IESC. Technical Specialization in Project Management - ETEC. Full Professor III for 9 years at the Facultad de Tecnología de São Paulo - FATEC. Collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program of Professional Mastery in Design, Technology and Innovation - PPG-DTI, at UNIFATEA. Professor at the Technical College of Lorena - COTEL-USP. He was a teacher for 5 years in Production Engineering at the Salesian University Center of Lorraine - Unisal. I was a teacher for 12 years in the Higher Course of Design and Administration at the UNIFATEA University Center. He has worked for more than 25 years in research at the Engineering Department of Materials at the University of São Paulo-USP, Campus Lorena. In the areas of Corrosion, Surface Treatment and Electronic Microscopy of Barrido and DOE. Coordinated the Technical Course in Welding at Colégio Delta de Lorena-SP for 5 years. He worked as a consultant in the area of ​​production and quality, and was Director/Partner for 10 years at the Empresa de Consultoria R&S. (Text provided by the author)

Marco Aurélio Feriotti, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.

He is Director/Partner of the company Feriotti Ferramentaria & Usinagem Ltda since June 1990. He has 40 years of professional experience in the Injection Mold Tooling sector for Thermoplastics and Thermofixes. AutoCad monitor in the Industrial Production Management course at the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo: FATEC/ Guarulhos. He was an Applied Mechanics instructor in the General Mechanics II course at Senai Hermenegildo Campos de Almeida School in Guarulhos/SP for 2 years. Participated in SAP Professional 4.0 Training given by MDL Consulting. Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma training from the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo: FATEC/ Guarulhos. Studying 6th Semester of Technologist in Industrial Production Management at the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo: FATEC/ Guarulhos.

Alexandre Formigoni, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.

Graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering from Universidade Paulista; Specialist in Business Logistics from Universidade Mackenzie; Master's and Doctorate in Production Engineering from Universidade Paulista. He worked as Research Professor in the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Business Administration in Corporate Governance at FMU, with the line of Quantitative Methods. He is currently Professor III-D at FATEC da Zona Leste and FATEC Guarulhos - SP, and Professor at the Graduate Program in Management and Technology in Production Systems at CEETEPS, working in the research line of Production and Operations Management.

Mayara Pohlmann , Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.

He holds a degree in chemical engineering from USP (2019). Experience of 1 year and 6 months in the junior company of Escola de Engenharia de Lorena at USP- EEL Júnior as a communication and marketing advisor and event advisor. Green Belt Lean Six Sigma training and business excel training by Dinâmica Training. Participation in the Lean Enterprise Systems Program at the University of Tennessee with a project at the East Tennessee Children's Hospital. 1 year experience in Supply Chain with administration of long-term contracts at Tenaris Confab, with 3 online courses in Supply Chain Management at MIT and an Advanced Excel course at SENAC. 2 years experience as an engineering intern at Fábrica de Auxiliares at BASF S.A. from Guaratinguetá. He is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. She is currently a graduate student of Industrial Production Management at FATEC where she works as a monitor of the discipline of calculation 1, a master's student in Management and Technology in Production Systems at Centro Paula Souza and an MBA student in agile projects and methodologies.

Rosinei Batista Ribeiro , Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza – CEEPTS. Faculdade de Tecnologia - FATEC.

Post-Doctorate at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) at the Institute for Advanced Studies - IEAv, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology - DCTA - 2020. Post-Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Guaratinguetá - FEG -UNESP - 2014. Research Productivity Scholarship-PQ -2015/2018. PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UNESP-FEG (2004). Institutional Coordinator of Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships from CNPq - PIBITI and PIBIC-EM - UNIFATEA. Permanent Lecturer in the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Design, Technology and Innovation - PPG-DTI and leader of the Research Group - DGP - CNPq "Product Design and Social Technologies". Consultant - CAPES and participation in the Forum of coordinators of PPG's and the Working Group (WG) in the Architecture and Urbanism and Design area - AUD - CAPES - Four-monthly Evaluation (2017-2020). Permanent Professor in the Professional Master's Program in Management and Technology in Productive Systems at the Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education - CEETEPS - Postgraduate, Extension and Research Unit, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology of Guaratinguetá, SP. Collaborator in the Academic Master in Development, Technologies, Society - Federal University of Itajubá - UNIFEI. Visiting Professor at the Center for Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing Studies at the University of Matanzas - CEFAS-UMCC - CUBA. He has experience in teaching, research and extension activities in the areas of Industrial Design, Production Engineering and Materials, with an emphasis on Material Design and Selection, Product Design, Social Technologies, Design of Experiments (DOE), Manufacturing Processes, Corrosion , Technological Innovation Management and Supply Chain Management (SCM).


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How to Cite

Rosa, J. L., Feriotti, M. A., Formigoni, A., Pohlmann , M., & Ribeiro , R. B. (2022). Analysis of the LPG bottling process: focus on continuous improvement. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 8(1), 01–17.

