Text Genre, History Textbook, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Historical AccountAbstract
This paper adds to studies on the discourse of History in textbooks from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics (LSF), with the aim of highlighting particularities of the language used to explain historical events in the school context. More specifically, we analyze linguistic resources of the Conjunction system (mainly addition, time and consequence relationships) in texts about the Brazilian Civic-Military Dictatorship, in the 9th grade textbook of the most distributed collection for public schools of Brazil in the 2017-2019 triennium. Based on assumptions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics, the analysis procedures involved description of the situational context variables of each text, analysis of the relationships between events through the Conjunction system and systematization in schemas of the relationships between events that constitute historical accounts in the analyzed corpus. Linguistic marks of time, cause-consequence, and addition show that the historical accounts used to construct knowledge about the Brazilian Civic-Military Dictatorship in the textbook selected were predominantly organized by sequential explanation and, less frequently, consequential and factorial.
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