Politeness, Preservation of the face, Celebrity, Video clarification noteAbstract
This paper analyzes the functioning of politeness and face preservation strategies in two explanatory notes in videos produced by Brazilian celebrities. These subjects committed some infraction in complying with the rules of politeness in public situations of interaction and produced the notes with the objective of retraction and, in effect, of recovery of the affected positive face. These videos were posted on the profiles of these celebrities on the social network Instagram. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research that adopts a descriptive-interpretative analysis approach. The analysis was guided by the postulates of the pragmatic theory of politeness of Brown and Levinson (1987), of Goffman's ethnographic approach (1970) to the notion of face, in addition to semiotic perspectives of the study of interaction. The results show the importance and the different functions that the courtesy and face preservation strategies play in establishing the relationships between the subjects and the risks taken. In the examples of the discourse genre under analysis, these procedures seek to recover the positive image of the celebrity, threatened due to the bottleneck found in an interaction by accident.
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