Applied Linguistics, Portuguese Teaching a 2nd language, Brazilian PortugueseAbstract
The article presents the course based on the notion of communicative competence, adopted for the work with Hispanics in a class of Brazilian Portuguese, with the goal of showing the methodological approach through oral activities focusing on interaction aiming at oral comprehension for both the speakers and the listeners. Therefore, starting from the proposed activities, we selected three categories from a phonomorphological order for the report – use of preposition without contraction, use of open/closed vowels and pronunciation of alveolar fricative voiced and voiceless. As the theoretical base, we related the communicative competence perspective, of interlanguage and the task-based learning method in counterpoint with the contrastive analyses, whose base is connected to the notion of effective strategy for the socio-communicative goal. It concludes that the Hispanic learners, when attending a class formed only by Spanish speakers, tend to appropriate more effectively of the linguistic knowledge mobilized in the classes, ratifying our theses that the interlanguage acts as an accelerator of interaction in its several domains.
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