[avaliˈãdʊ] or [avaliˈãnʊ]

the social meaning of the alternation between [d] and [n] among young university students from Rio de Janeiro





social evaluation, alternation between the stop consonant and the alveolar nasal preceded by nasal vowel, linguistic variation, community of speech.


This work presents the results of a pilot study on the social evaluation of the alternation between [d] and [n], both preceded by a nasal vowel – as in as in [avaliˈãdʊ] ~ [avaliˈãnʊ] – in the speech community of Rio de Janeiro. January. This variable has already been the object of studies with production data in different varieties of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), which suggest that [n] would be the stigmatized variant, given that it is more realized among speakers of lower education and low social classes (GONÇALVES, 2018). Thus, an experiment was carried out remotely with 24 university students from the city of Rio de Janeiro, using the matched guise technique, in order to access the social meanings of the variants in question. Differently from what was expected before the application of the experiment, the results revealed that the evaluation difference between the variants was not significant, which may suggest that the nasal variant is not a stereotype associated with low schooling or low-class speakers in the BP variety analyzed. Despite being a pilot study, this experiment can contribute to future studies, especially with regard to the methodology used and the stimuli used.


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