Metaphors of desire and the ethnographic allegory




Ethnographic writing, Metaphors of desire, Indisciplinary Applied Linguistics, Bareback., WhatsApp groups.


This text contributes to the discussion on language and ethnographic writing, providing examples contextualized by ethnographic field of how metaphors and figures of speech are vital for the writing of cultures and may be scientifically framed not only as an allegorical support for narratives, but also as objects of study and foci of affective indexicality. Metaphors here are not just “the conduit of communication” (Reddy, 1993 [1979]), but elucidate “poetic and political” aspects (Clifford, 2016a [1986]) of the ethnographic text. They are the very phenomenon that swarms from on-line body and desire performances: the focus of interest in the production of intelligibility about social groups. This article provides an account of figures of speech, excitability, and ethnographic writing, suggesting that allegorical writing is an ethical way of producing misunderstandings. Among the results, it can be highlighted that metaphors and allegories organize sexual desire and practices in subjective and political terms.


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Author Biography

Gleiton Bonfante, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Bacharel em Linguística pela UNICAMP, mestre (2015) e doutor (2020) em Interdisciplinar Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, professor visitante na Universidade Federal de Goiás até dezembro de 2022. Pós-doutorando FAPERJ nota 10, na Universidade Federal Fluminense, a partir de janeiro de 2023.


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