Language policy:
a descriptive-reflective analysis on meanings of language
Language Policy, Resolution No. 11/CONSUNI/UFFS/2018, Language, Meaning, DiscourseAbstract
This paper analyzes the meanings of language emerging from Resolution No. 11/CONSUNI/UFFS/2018 (UFFS, 2018), a document which legitimizes the measures implemented by the Federal University of Fronteira Sul (UFFS), whose theme is the language policy of that institution. Thus, we disseminated language policy as a topic of discussion from the discourse analysis’ viewpoint. To do so, we chose three discursive samples, specifically aiming to think about the UFFS language policy with regards to the socio-educational and normative function as well as to understand the discourse that sustains the emerging meanings for language from its language planning. This is a theoretical-interpretive documental study, from a qualitative perspective in descriptive-analytical development, by means of which theory and analysis are completed through a pendular movement on discussing the subject. This discussion is tensioned by the theory of Michel Pêcheux and the postulates of Eni Orlandi. The task of analysis indicates that languages become known as valuable with regards to sociocultural context when they are signified in the axes of national approach and internationalization, which results from a work with language, preluding historical and social components in the discursive formation of this document. Therefore, we conclude that the crossings that underlie the understanding of language ascribe meaning to the discourse conveyed by the Resolution analyzed, guiding the actions of the University.
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