The influence of possession semantics on seu and dele processing:
an experimental study
possessives, third person, experimental linguisticsAbstract
In this paper we present the results of a self-paced reading experiment, through which we investigated the influence of the variable type of possession in sentences with third-person possessive forms. This study aims to find out whether more prototypical (involving a human possessor and a concrete alienable possessed object) or less prototypical (involving an inanimate possessor and a concrete alienable possessed object) would condition, in terms of processing, a faster or more costly reading for Brazilian Portuguese speakers when combined with the possessive forms seu and dele. We adopted as theoretical support the functional-cognitive studies (HEINE, 1997) and resorted to the paradigm of experimental methodology. The results obtained were in line with the hypothesis that the more prototypical possession semantics favors faster processing of dele, while seu is processed faster in less prototypical possession scenarios.
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