Biblical typology and the semiotization in the theological discourse




biblical typology, type, theological discourse, semiotization.


This paper focuses on the phenomenon of biblical typology in a discursive perspective, taking into account how the are presented in its linguistic aspect in the Scripture and, thus, considering as evidences the links between its two major discursive blocks, the Old and the New Testament. The path to be followed comprises theoretical exposition, from which the theological definition for the typology and the concepts and categories of the Semiolinguistic theory are retrieved, and then proceed to a sample analysis that demonstrates the linguistic-discursive process of meaning of a type depending on the circunstances of production. The analysis supports the hypothesis of a prospective semiotization of the world, operated by the inscription of the type of Christ in the biblical Old Testament and its correspondent revealed in the New Testament context. The phenomenon in question is also confirmed as discursive evidence that advocates for close relationship of correspondence between the two large sets of texts that constitute the biblical theological discourse.


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Author Biographies

Mário Acrisio Alves Junior, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Doutor em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2015), professor adjunto do Departamento de Línguas e Letras da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

Jarbas Vargas Nascimento, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Doutor em Letras pela Universidade de São Paulo (1994), professor titular da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.


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