Text plan and multimodality as tools for modernizing legal text
Textual Analysis of Discourses, Text plan, Legal Text, MultimodalityAbstract
This work aims to analyze how the text plan and multimodality can contribute to aspects of modernizing the legal text. To this end, the Ceará notice of citizenship and cultural diversity (2022) was analyzed, in which these resources are used for this purpose. As a theoretical reference that deals with the Textual Analysis of Discourses (TAD) and the text plan, Adam (2011) was adopted; Passeggi et al. (2010); Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2010); Passeggi (2001). In relation to authors who deal with issues of multimodality, the main highlights are the assumptions of theorists Hodge and Kress (1988); Kress and van Leuveen (1996, 2006), Jewitt (2008), in addition to considerations by scholars such as Dionísio (2005) and Vieira et al. (2007). The analyzes show that there are strategies for modernizing the legal notice genre through the text plan and multimodal aspects, with the aim of bringing more people closer to the selection process, making reading easier and making the guidelines more dynamic.
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