The arbitrariness of the sign in sign languages
between iconicity and the saussurian principle
Línguas de sinais, Arbitrariedade, Iconicidade, SignoAbstract
The advent of research into sign languages has raised many questions about the functioning of this language modality, as well as proposing new ways of looking at issues that were thought to be closed. In this scenario, our research, of a bibliographical nature, aims to discuss the principle of arbitrariness of the sign in sign languages (LS), taking as theoretical presuppositions those promulgated by Ferdinand de Saussure (2012 [1916]), to contrast them with the notion of iconicity. We hypothesize that this iconicity, which is characteristic of sign languages, is only "apparent," in other words, that the sign is also arbitrary in these languages. In order to verify our hypothesis, we took a look at the General Linguistics Course from which the notion of arbitrary comes, followed by research in various areas related to gestural-visual languages that dealt with the iconic issue and provided empirical data for the construction of our work. In our reflection, we were able to find evidence that our hypothesis holds firm and that sign languages possess the arbitrary property common to natural languages.
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