Decoloniality in Jess Rocha's "Saco do Inferno"

a sertãopunk counter-narrative about inclusion




Sertãopunk, Saco do Inferno, Inclusion, Decoloniality


This paper aims to present a critical decolonial reading of inclusion in the sertãopunk short story Saco do Inferno (2022) by Jéssica de Lemos, hereafter Jess Rocha. Through questions of cultural identity and regional diversity, the story explores mystery and sertãopunk, using elements of Ceará folklore. By portraying a character with Williams-Beuren syndrome, the narrator addresses representativeness, sensitivity and respect, proposing to the reader an inclusive narrative that represents subalternized identities. The aim is also to relate the story to aspects of coloniality (Maldonado-Torres, 2007), from the perspective of sertãopunk, a literary genre of speculative fiction that explores alternatives for the future of the Northeast and its cultural traditions. The methodology used is bibliographical and qualitative, through a critical reading of the short story Saco do Inferno, analyzing categories such as: intertextuality and sertãopunk elements; interdiscursivity and decolonial counter-narrative. To this end, among other scholars, Alexander Meireles da Silva (2021), Ballestrin (2013) and Fairclough (2001) were used. The results point to a broader discussion about inclusion and diversity in literature, as well as reflecting on the in(visibility) of elements of local folklore, highlighting issues that bring up notions of power and coloniality.


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Author Biographies

Welistony Câmara Lima, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA)

Master's student in Letters at the PPGLetras of the State University of Maranhão (UEMA); Specialist in Semiotics and Discourse Analysis at the Metropolitan College of the State of São Paulo (FAMEESP); Specialist in Spanish Language and Gender and Sexuality at the Maximum College (FACUMINAS). Degree in Portuguese Language, Spanish Language and Literatures (UEMA). Member of the research groups MELP - Multiliteracies in Language Teaching (CNPq) and LiDiME - Language, Discourse, Media and Education (CNPq). He has experience in Linguistics and Literature, working mainly on the following subjects: Critical Discourse Analysis, Literary Theory, teaching Spanish to Portuguese speakers and Portuguese to Foreigners.

Ana Patrícia Sá Martins, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA)

PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos -UNISINOS/RS (2020).Graduated in Languages with a degree in Spanish from the Federal University of Maranhão (2008) and in History with a degree from the State University of Maranhão (2009). She has a Specialization in Portuguese Language from UEMA and a Master's Degree in Education from UFMA (2011). She works as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Letters at the State University of Maranhão. She is a permanent professor on the Professional Master's Degree in Education (PPGE/UEMA) and the Academic Master's Degree in Letters (PPGLE/UEMA). She is an Associate Researcher at the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd), the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB), as well as the Brazilian Association of Linguistics (ABRALIN). She coordinates the Project MULTILETRAMENTS IN NETWORK: training, practices and research in languages with the Portal Inter@ge Professor First Phase (Funded by the FAPEMA Universal Notice 2022-2024). UEMA Research Productivity Fellow (2023-2024) and FAPEMA Research Productivity Fellow (2024-2025). She coordinates undergraduate and postgraduate research, focusing mainly on the following themes: Initial and continuing teacher training; Interculturality and Decoloniality in teacher training; and Multiliteracies and digital technologies in teaching. She is the leader of the research group Multiliteracies in Language Teaching (MELP), registered in the CNPq Directory.


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