“I’ll repeat it so you understand”
On question redesign and epistemic status
Epistemic stances, School scenarios, Talk-in-interaction in the classroom in late modernity, Learning opportunities in basic educationAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the change in a teacher's epistemic status throughout an interactional sequence. This research is relevant because it highlights how the teacher redesigns his/her question throughout the interaction and the implications that this has for the school routine. This paper follows the methodological assumptions of Conversation Analysis (CA) and analyzes the participants' actions and their epistemic stances in a public elementary school classroom in a city in the metropolitan region of Vitória (ES, Brazil). To this end, we adhered to the concepts of epistemic stances postulated by Heritage and Raymond (2005); Heritage (2012); Lynch and Macbeth (2016). The data were generated in 2018 through research conducted by Mariano (2020). Combined with the methodological procedures of CA, we performed a segmentation of excerpts and an analytical transcription (Gago, 2002; Garcez; Bulla; Loder; 2014) of the data according to the Jefferson system (1987). From the analysis of the data, it was possible to identify that a recurring redrawing of the questions, associated with the students' insistent answers, causes a change in the teacher's epistemic status, and this presents itself as a characteristic factor of talk-in-interaction in the classroom in recent modernity.
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