Multimodal Discourse Analysis of a Video Produced by Mathematics Teaching Students at CEUNES/UFES
Mathematics Education; Digital Videos; Multimodal Discourse Analysis.Abstract
In this research, we analyzed the production of digital videos by students in the Mathematics teaching degree program, focusing on the TikTok platform. The study, grounded in the Systemic Functional - Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA) approach, aimed to understand how semiotic resources such as verbal and written language, mathematical symbolism, images, music, and gestures interact in the construction of mathematical meanings. Seven students participated in the investigation during the Mathematics Teaching Instrumentation course. The qualitative methodology employed the online environment as a direct source of data, collected through virtual interaction and videos produced by the students. The analysis, based on SF-MDA, highlighted the interconnection of these resources in the examined video, titled "Critical Mathematical Education: Transforming exercises into research scenarios." The video illustrates the practical application of mathematics, integrating oral and written language, mathematical symbolism, images, music, and gestures. The results indicate that the combination of these resources in videos allows for the creation of intersemioses, generating meanings that surpass the individual capacities of each resource.
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