Performance of the artists of caring extension project: experience report
Nursing, Humanization of Assistance, Hospitalization, Art TherapyAbstract
The hospital environment is a space for healing and rehabilitation, however, it is directly associated with the stigma of pain and suffering caused by hospitalization. Thus, therapy with clowns can contribute to alleviate the tension that exists in this scenario. Objective: To report the performance of the extension project Artistas do Caring: Art, Laughter and Looking. Methods: Descriptive experience report that addresses the main aspects of the work of the Artistas do Caring extension project. The project has existed since 2007 at the Regional University of Cariri, Decentralized Unit of Iguatu, and has 27 members. Results: Project members use the clown’s characteristics to develop actions in the hospital environment, using strategies that vary depending on each patient, clinical situation and companion. They also participate in events that take place in the form of welcomes and/or plays. Even in the face of challenges and setbacks, the project remains with its performance, with the aim of promoting joy through laughter and playfulness to improve health care actions in the nursing area and ease the experience of hospitalization. Thus, the awareness that the project provides to the student stands out, bringing a new perspective to their education. Conclusion: The project positively influences the well-being of patients admitted to the hospital unit, as well as the members of the nursing team. Furthermore, it positively reaches students and the public who have the opportunity to watch its presentations.
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