Analysis of the translation of the webpage of the smartphone HUAWEI P30 Pro from speech act theory




Website translation, Speech act theory, Written verbal content, Product webpage, Corpus of Chinese and Portuguese


In today’s digital age of globalization, product pages of the corporate websites are a popular medium for promoting products to consumers in foreign markets. Thus, the translation of the product pages and its study become essential to capture the attention of target audience abroad. The present work aims to analyze the webpages’ written verbal content of the smartphone HUAWEI P30 Pro in Chinese and in its translations of two variants of Portuguese, the Brazilian one and the European one. Through the construction of three corpora, the analysis is carried out from a pragmatic view, using speech act theory. The results demonstrate that although the perlocutionary effect of attracting and persuading is the same, the practice of speech acts presents differences in three corpora. The identification of these acts can contribute to the understanding of linguistic and cultural differences and increase the translation effectiveness of the written verbal content of product pages.


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Author Biographies

Qian Zhou, Universidade Normal de Jiangsu

Mestra em Estudos da Tradução (Chinês-Português) pela Universidade de Macau (UM); graduada em Língua e Cultura Portuguesas pela Universidade de Língua e Cultura de Beijing (BLCU). É professora de português da Escola de Estudos Estrangeiros da Universidade Normal de Jiangsu (JSNU).

Yuqi Sun, Universidade de Macau

Doutora em Linguística pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul e professora do Departamento de Português da Universidade de Macau. Tem experiência nas áreas de pragmática e tradução. Atua principalmente com os seguintes temas: tradução oral e escrita, interpretação simultânea e ensino e aprendizagem de português como língua adicional.


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