Business intelligence as a support for decision making: the state of the art through ProKnow-C


  • Marco Antônio Albertino Schinaider Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales
  • Viviane Nunes Tetzlaff Lee Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales
  • Marcos Wagner Jesus Servare Junior Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales



Business intelligence, Decision making, strategy, Proknow-C


Society has never ceased to be affected by transformations driven by revolutions over time, and the way data is handled in organizations is part of these transformations, reflecting directly on the assertiveness of the decisions taken. From this angle, this article will address the state of the art on business intelligence (BI) methodology in decision making. The general objective comprises elucidating the relevance of implementing BI as a foundation in strategic decision making. To achieve the objective, a bibliographic research will be carried out, applying the method of formation of the bibliographic portfolio and bibliometric analysis, Proknow-C. The search resulted in 3646 articles. It was evident that organizations must evaluate the most appropriate system for their information needs, respecting the budget stipulated within the project validation stage, since the high cost, in addition to the complexity of the systems, are factors that hinder the implementation. Competitive success is linked to the decision environment in which the user is inserted. The more complex the environment and the more variables that affect the individual, the greater the difficulty in accessing the ideal information for decision making. In short, the research achieved its objective of elucidating the impacts of BI on companies as a provider of strategic handling of information based on metrics related to strategic planning to aid in decision making.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antônio Albertino Schinaider, Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales

Graduating in Business Administration at Centro Universitário Salesiano.

Viviane Nunes Tetzlaff Lee, Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales

in Political Sociology from Universidade Vila Velha (2015). MBA in Strategic People Management from FUCAPE (2013). Degree in Business Administration from Universidade Vila Velha (2010). Full Degree in Portuguese Literature from the Estácio de Sá University (2020). Improvement in Digital Technologies in Education at the Federal University of Ceará (2021). Studying Improvement in Education Technology Blended Teaching and Pedagogical Innovation at the Federal University of Ceará (2021). Author of 02 (two) academic books in the area of ​​Public Policies in Education (Education and work in capitalism and in the history of Brazil 2015- Educational and Developmental Policy 2021). She has experience in coordinating Technical Courses, as a Speaker at academic events, such as Professor in Vocational Education and Higher Education. She is currently Professor and Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Business Administration at Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales.

Marcos Wagner Jesus Servare Junior, Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales

Engenheiro de Produção e mestre em Engenharia Civil pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Atualmente cursa o Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica na mesma Universidade com período sanduíche na Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal. Atua como Docente e Coordenador do curso de Engenharia de Produção na UniSales (Centro Universitário Salesiano) de Vitória/ES.


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How to Cite

Schinaider, M. A. A., Lee, V. N. T., & Servare Junior, M. W. J. (2022). Business intelligence as a support for decision making: the state of the art through ProKnow-C. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 8(2), 79–98.

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