Leadership influence on project area team "turnover" – Rio De Janeiro-Brazil


  • Sérgio Henrique Pereira Rodrigues Silva Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”. Universidade de São Paulo - PECEGE-ESALQ-USP
  • Manoel Gonçales Filho Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”. Universidade de São Paulo - PECEGE-ESALQ-USP




Leadership; leadership styles; leadership profiles


This article shows the leadership styles applied on a mining project team, where the previous stakeholders’ point of view was analyzed and compared with the literature. The information used in this paper was collected from the data available on Google Academic and PECEGE-ESALQ-USP, where scientific articles were found and used as a base line for this single case study performed with six previous stakeholders. The field data were collected using a questionnaire containing open-ended questions and semi structured interviews, which were further analyzed and compared with the literature. The aim of this study is to identify the different leadership styles currently in place in the project engineering field and, based on the results, suggest a more suitable leadership approach. The leadership styles addressed in this study are: authoritative, laissez-faire, democratic and situation. The literature suggests a lack of self-worth and an overall negative working environment. The main contribution of this study is to propose the situation, democratic and transformational styles as being the most efficient ones to be adopted by the project management team from a mining company located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Sérgio Henrique Pereira Rodrigues Silva, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”. Universidade de São Paulo - PECEGE-ESALQ-USP

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense(2012), specialization in Business Management and Strategy from Universidade Estadual de Campinas(2016) and technical-professional course in Electronics from Escola Técnica Pandiá Calógeras(2004). She has experience in the field of Production Engineering, with an emphasis on Production Management.

Manoel Gonçales Filho, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”. Universidade de São Paulo - PECEGE-ESALQ-USP

Master's Degree in Production Engineering from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) (2015) [Full Master's Scholarship 40 hours by the Ministry of Education and Science (CAPES)]. Doctoral student in Business Administration at UNIMEP [Full doctoral fellowship 40 hours by CAPES (in progress 2017-2020). Business Administrator graduated from the School of Engineering of Piracicaba (EEP) (2002). He has two LATU SENSU postgraduate degrees: Specialization in People Management from UNIMEP (2004) and an MBA in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (2006). He is a professor at the Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo (Fatec) linked to the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza, and at the Centro Universitário Salesiano Dom Bosco (UNISAL), in the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics. He is the author of three books in the area of ​​Production Management and of more than 50 scientific articles published in national and international journals and congresses. GONÇALES FILHO, M. The research interest is in the development of the Lean Thinking (LP) philosophy and in Sustainable Practices: Economic, Environmental and Social. Cleaner Production, General Administration, Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Innovation and Analysis of the Economic and Financial Feasibility of Investments.


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How to Cite

Silva, S. H. P. R., & Gonçales Filho, M. (2021). Leadership influence on project area team "turnover" – Rio De Janeiro-Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(2), 143–154. https://doi.org/10.47456/bjpe.v7i2.35026




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