About the Journal

Romanitas – Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos was born, at first, from a finding: the visible lack, in Brazil, of journals of an interdisciplinary nature committed to the dissemination of intellectual production around Greek and Roman society, a reality in sharp contrast with the increase in the interest aroused, in the last decades, by Classical Studies, as it is possible to conclude based on the growing number of researchers involved, at all levels of academic formation, with research projects on the past of Greece and Rome, which motivated the team of Laboratory of Studies on the Roman Empire/Section ES, linked to the History Postgraduate Program of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes), to found the journal.


Chamada Dossiê Continuidade, ruptura e negociação político-cultural no Ocidente: as relações entre romanos e “bárbaros” na Antiguidade Tardia (séc. III-VIII)


Chamada de artigos para Dossiê: Continuidade, ruptura e negociação político-cultural no Ocidente: as relações entre romanos e “bárbaros” na Antiguidade Tardia (séc. III-VIII)

Read more about Chamada Dossiê Continuidade, ruptura e negociação político-cultural no Ocidente: as relações entre romanos e “bárbaros” na Antiguidade Tardia (séc. III-VIII)

Current Issue

Vol. 24 (2024): July-December
					View Vol. 24 (2024): July-December

Editors: Margarida Maria de Carvalho and Nathalia Monseff Junqueira.

Published: 17-01-2025

Dossiê: Medicina e Alimentação na Antiguidade

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